Hiđź––! I'm Bilal.

I'm a Designer, Researcher and developer! Scroll down to learn more about my projects.

Chrip.no (A Social media plattform)

Intended as a platform akin to Reddit, I programmed it from scratch using HTML, CSS3, PHP, and MySQLi. Notably, I successfully implemented a nested comment section, a rarity across almost all social network websites besides Reddit/Hackernews. Amongst other features.

Video exsample of issue

Disneyplus.com interaction issue.

Once your release your mouse, the episode/show you dragged the menu with gets selected (see attached video). Most people will do it this way. Using your mouse scroller or left/right arrow isn't possible either.

I found out how this slider could be fixed by altering the javascript. So you can drag the div without accidentally selecting