Hi🖖! I'm Bilal.

I'm a Designer, Researcher and developer! Scroll down to learn more about my projects.

Original layout of Dictionary.com

Redesign of Dictionary.com

Dictionary.com redesign

I redesigned Dictionary.com to enhance the brand image, and make it easier on the eyes(less white space).

It looks much more engaging, and I deployed a clever trick to make the user want to explore the page by scrolling down. Simply by optimizing the vertical space. So you see the next image in the gaming section and get curious. Or use the 555nm wavelength color(the most visible color).

I conducted a case study and discovered that the redesign scored slightly higher than the original on a 1-10 scale. As a result, I concluded that there must be a middle ground between the two. Based on how the participants described the two.

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Kahoot color choice, and readability

Both as a teacher and a student, Kahoot has been a game-changer in education. There isn't much to complain about, but one consistent issue brought up by students and teachers alike is the difficulty of reading white text on yellow when using a projector. A good chunk of Kahoots’s probably takes place on a projector.

This goes against their design guidelines, and it seems there hasn't been enough real-world testing in a classroom setting, the primary environment for most of their customers.

All the white text on the original background colors, fails to meet color accessibility standards. Especially white text on yellow, with a contrast ratio of 2.38:1, violates all WCAG color accessibility standards. This is even more critical with projectors.

Kahoot is going against their own design guidelines.

New cutting instructions

Exsample of bad vs good interaction design

CO-RO Denmark. Packaging concern

I suggested a different way to cut their packaging so it minimizes sharp corners. That could make your mouth hurt, and limit the amount of consumption or purchasing.

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